The Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), will hold the 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) on 19-20 September, 2024. The conference will be hybrid, with the parallel sessions taking place fully remotely on 19 September and the high-level segment on September 20 (virtual and in-person). If you would like to present at the conference, you must submit an abstract as directed below. The conference is also open to observers (i.e. non-presenters). Simply register on the conference website to join us. Registration will open in July 2024.
The theme of the 2024 ICSD is “Solutions for the Future”. The aim of the conference is to bring together persons involved in research, policy, practice, and business, in advance of the 2024 United Nations Summit of the Future. Participants will share practical solutions for achieving the SDGs at local and national levels. This year ICSD will accept abstracts within 7 themes, several of which have different “tracks” within them. Abstracts should be directly relevant to one of the themes and subsequent tracks (detailed descriptions on the following pages).
- Amplifying all Voices for SDG Achievement
- Elevating the pluriverse: Indigenous and diverse visions for sustainable development solutions
- Children, youth and the future of the SDGs
- Intergenerational dialogues to improve policy and accountability at all levels of governance
- Digitalization
- Creating global value chain resilience through digitalization
- Advancement and use of AI by institutions of higher of education for sustainable development
- Climate Change
- Nature-based solutions for local climate challenges
- Integrating energy and land-use pathways
- Interlinkages and challenges of energy poverty mitigation and energy transitions
- Energy transitions within complex social-ecological systems and a global economy
- Responsible Consumption-Production-Recycling as a solution to Climate Challenge
- Cities and Communities
- Infrastructure, service delivery, governance, and digital transformation for smart, sustainable cities
- Mainstreaming climate change and disaster risk reduction in urban and rural planning to achieve the SDGs
- Climate change adaptation of vulnerable neighborhoods
- Agri-food Systems
- Does Indigenous Knowledge Hold the Key for Sustaining Food Security and Nutrition?
- Reducing waste to end hunger
- Assessing Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation
- Advancing Impactful Research and Education
- Mission-oriented research to accelerate SDG solutions
- Artistic and visual approaches to narrate sustainability research
- Student-led disruption of higher education for sustainable development
- Enhancing governance in diverse sectors
- ESG as a lever for creating sustainable businesses
- Improving the science-policy nexus to accelerate the sustainability transition
- The new geopolitics of global development
Interested presenters should submit an abstract of at least 300 words but not exceeding 500 words, in English, by 1 May 2024, via the form below. Each abstract may only be submitted once and under one track. Failure to answer questions on the submission form or the submission of the same abstract under multiple tracks is likely to result in the abstract being declined.
The scientific committee will review abstracts and send all decision letters by 9 June 2024. Abstracts can be accepted as either poster or oral (i.e. PowerPoint) presentations. Presenters invited to give oral presentations must submit a full paper by 1 August 2024, in order to maintain their position in the program. Presenters who do not register before the 1 September 2024, deadline may also forfeit their spot in the agenda.
Abstract Timeline
- 1 March 2024 :Call for Abstracts Open
- 1 May 2024: Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
- 9 June 2024: Abstract Decision Letters Emailed
- 1 August 2024: Full Papers Due (only abstracts accepted for oral presentation)
- 1 September 2024: Registration Deadline for Presenters